Document 1981 DOCN M94A1981 TI The influence of HIV seropositivity on the emotional relationship between heterosexual couples. DT 9412 AU Lambiase L; Pozzi G; Pravettoni G; Caprioli S; Suter F; General Hospital, Busto Arsizio, Italy. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):407 (abstract no. PD0237). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370594 AB OBJECTIVES: In a study elaborating a psychotherapeutic approach for heterosexual couples in which one or both partners are HIV+, a preliminary inquiry was carried out to evaluate: 1) the history and the affective relationship of the couple; 2) the emotional role changes of the partners following the diagnosis of HIV positivity; 3) how the couple copes with the disease. METHODS: 30 couples have been interviewed (14 couples with both partners HIV+; 16 couples with only one partner HIV+) according to a systemic circular approach. RESULTS: the couples with both partners HIV+, sharing the disease, are more able to relate to the partners' feelings and face the difficulties together using their personal resources. The couples with only one partner HIV+, instead, express the desire to keep a good relationship between each other, but realise the incapacity to show their real feelings, which are contrasting and very different between the two. All the couples tend to lead a normal couple life style regarding each other, the children and the outside world. This process is made easier when the knowledge of the seropositivity is found out before the commitment. CONCLUSIONS: a psychotherapeutic model for the couples with both members HIV+ could hold, most of all, anxieties related to the diseases' progression, while a more personal psychotherapeutic approach could favour the expression of the different emotional states in the couples with only one partner positive. DE Adult Child Comparative Study *Emotions Female Human HIV Seropositivity/*PSYCHOLOGY *Interpersonal Relations Interviews Life Style Male Parent-Child Relations *Sex Behavior MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).